Complaints procedure

We do everything we can to provide you with the best possible service. It is possible that you are still dissatisfied with a certain aspect of our service. In that case, you can appeal to our complaints procedure. The purpose of this complaints procedure is to establish a procedure to deal with complaints from clients in a constructive manner within a reasonable period of time. Below is the complaints procedure that we apply in the context of a submitted complaint. If you have any questions regarding the content, please contact the complaints officer mentioned below.

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Complaints procedure Customs Knowledge BV

Under this procedure, we request that you first submit your complaints, preferably in writing, to the attending lawyer in your file. If you cannot find a solution with him or her, you can submit your complaint to our complaints officer Gerda Tuinstra.

Article 1 definitions

In this complaints procedure the following terms have the following meanings:

  • complaint: any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of the client towards the lawyer or RB advisor or person working under his responsibility regarding the conclusion and performance of a contract for services, the quality of the services or the amount of the invoice, not being a complaint as referred to in paragraph 4 of the Lawyers Act;
  • complainant: the client or his representative who submits a complaint;
  • complaints officer: the person charged with handling the complaint within Customs Knowledge;

Article 2 scope

This office complaints procedure applies to every agreement between

  1. Customs Knowledge BV and the client.
  2. Every lawyer as well as RB advisor from Customs Knowledge BV handles complaints in accordance with the complaints procedure.

Article 3 objectives

This complaints procedure aims to:

  1. establish a procedure to deal with complaints from clients in a constructive manner within a reasonable period of time;
  2. establish a procedure to determine the causes of complaints from clients;
  3. maintain and improve existing relationships by means of good complaints handling;
  4. train employees in responding to complaints in a client-oriented manner;
  5. improve the quality of the services by means of complaints handling and complaints analysis.

Article 4 information at the start of the service

  1. This complaints procedure has been published. When entering into an agreement, the lawyer or RB advisor points out to the client that the firm has a complaints procedure and that this procedure applies to the services.
  2. Customs Knowledge BV has included in this complaints procedure - see below under c - to which independent party or body a complaint can be submitted that has not been resolved after handling, in order to obtain a binding decision.
  3. Complaints as referred to in Article 1 of this office complaints procedure that have not been resolved after handling will be submitted to the competent court of the court in Noord-Nederland.

Article 5 internal complaints procedure

  1. If a client approaches the office with a complaint, the complaint will be forwarded to Gerda Tuinstra, who will then act as a complaints officer.
  2. The complaints officer informs the person against whom the complaint has been made regarding the submission of the complaint and gives the complainant and the person against whom the complaint has been made the opportunity to provide an explanation regarding the complaint.
  3. The person against whom the complaint has been made tries to reach a solution together with the complainant, whether or not after the complaints officer has intervened.
  4. The complaints officer will deal with the complaint within four weeks after receipt of the complaint or will inform the complainant of any deviation from this period, stating the period for dealing with the complaint.
  5. The complaints officer will inform the complainant and the person against whom the complaint has been made in writing on the merits of the complaint, whether or not accompanied by recommendations.
  6. If the complaint has been handled satisfactorily, the complainant, the complaints officer and the person involved will sign the judgment regarding the validity of the complaint.

Article 6 confidentiality and free complaint handling

  1. The complaints officer and the person against whom the complaint has been made treat all information confidentially during the handling of the complaint.
  2. The complainant does not owe any compensation for the costs of handling the complaint.

Article 7 responsibilities

  1. The complaints officer is responsible for the timely handling of the complaint.
  2. The person against whom the complaint has been made informs the complaints officer regarding any contact and a possible solution.
  3. The complaints officer will keep the complainant informed about the handling of the complaint.
  4. The complaints officer keeps the complaint file.

Article 8 complaint registration

  1. The complaints officer registers the complaint and the subject of the complaint.
  2. A complaint can be divided into several subjects.
  3. The complaints officer periodically reports on the handling of the complaints and gives recommendations to prevent new complaints and to improve procedures.
  4. At least once a year, reports and recommendations are discussed at the office and submitted for decision-making.